Grenoble Alpes Data Institute

Report of the 2018 Science Festival on the campus of the Grenoble Alpes University

Social, political and environmental determinants of Twitter use in France

Looking for exoplanets using supervised machine learning

Foundations of deep learning from a kernel point of view

Tensors: a tool for data science

Ouverture de la journée d'étude #Surveillance1411

Grenoble Alpes at the core of AI technologies

CULTURE // Data cityscape : Campus Highlight, une installation lumineuse de Joan Giner à l’UGA !

Data Science in geoscience: data-driven assimilation schemes

Le contrôle en perspective [Débat]

Transparency and discrimination in social media advertising

A systematic comparison of regression methods to assess exposome-health associations

L'université Grenoble Alpes migre vers le Software-Defined Datacenter

A Grenoble, le Green Data Center d'Eolas mise sur l'énergie renouvelable

MIAI Grenoble Alpes : Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence

A Day at School in Grenoble, France | CEA Study Abroad

Universite Grenoble Alpes

Le projet GREAT (GREnoble Alps Together)

Predicting At-Risk Patient Profiles from Big Prescription Data

MSc & PhD Scholarships with €8,000 Stipend at University of Grenoble

Surveillance et contrôle de la surveillance : défis techniques - Claude Castellucia [Conférence]

Work & Live in Grenoble Alpes: ATOS

Journée d'étude #Surveillance1411 - Keynote : Francis Delon, Président de la CNCTR

Surveillance et journalisme [Table Ronde] #surveillance1411